Who I am
Hi, I’m Doug Greenberg, webmaster, friendly astrologer, and spiritual counselor.
I’m in my late fifty and have been practicing mantra and bhakti yoga for 37 years. Everyday, (just about!), I practice a regular sadhana, or spiritual regimen, rising before sunrise, bathing, and chanting prayers and mantras for two to three hours.
I’m married with three children and just celebrated my 28th wedding anniversary. Spiritual life does not require moving to the Himalayas or some far off isolated situation. All we need is love!
I grew up near Boston, moving to St.Petersburg, Florida when I was 9 where I lived for 9 years. In my freshman year of college, feeling discontent and “not rightly placed, I joined a devotional ashram in 1976 where I lived for 12 years as a monk.
I practiced rigorous discipline, studying and lecturing on the Vedic scriptures each day. I traveled a lot, having many wonderful and challenging experiences. I became a master at Indian cuisine including the rare art of Bengali sweet making. I was married in 1985 to a wonderful devotee with life long devotion to Krishna.
I now live in Florida with my family, (most of whom are moved out now), and I work at Herbs of Light, Inc.
Spiritual life simply means a change in consciousness -not dress, residence, or looks.
I took up astrological training in 1984, becoming proficient in both Eastern and Western systems. My specialty is personality profiling and relationship insights. Having studied and practiced mantra chanting for over 37 years I am quite familiar with the healing science of mantras.
Feeling obliged to my spiritual teacher and the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna I venture forth sharing what They have revealed to me. Namaste!